Intertemporal choice is the individual balancing of costs and benefits of decision-making process which occurred at different times. According to the perceived-time-based model, diminishing sensitivity to longer time horizons and the level of time contraction overall contribute to the degree of hyperbolic discounting. Therefore, the cognition and evaluation of time dimension is of great importance. This is called time perspective (TP). TP reflects personality difference in the dimension of time, and it is a relatively steady personality trait. However, people lay diversely emphasis on the TP framework of past, present and future. With time perspective as the personality trait, this paper explores whether there is a difference in preference for intertemporal choice between different groups divided by TP. Hence, this study hypothesizes that the time perspective may have an important effect on intertemporal choice. With a classic paradigm of the delay-discounting-task (DDT), we tested the preferences for intertemporal choice between different groups divided by time perspective. A total of 40 persons, comprising 47.5% men and 52.5% women, completed the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Only the "Present hedonistic", the "Positive past" (PP, a warm and affectionate concept of past) and the "Future" subscales were used. Based on the result of TP test, subjects were divided into two parts: future-oriented group and present hedonistic-oriented group. Then, all participants completed DDT, in which each person made a series of monetary choices between ¥ d today or ¥ d' in 7 day (or 15 days, 30 days). They were asked to circle either ¥ d today or ¥ d' in delayed day, where the percentage difference in money between the two rewards (( ¥ d'- ¥ d)/ ¥ d) was selected from the set {5%,1I0%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 50%, 70%, 95%}. In line with our hypothesis, the results showed that compared with the future oriented subjects, the present hedonistic-oriented subjects preferred
Journal of Psychological Science
intertemporal choice, time perspective, delay discounting