目的:阐述健康成人在行三维时间飞跃法磁共振血管成像(3D-TOF MRA)体格检查时椎动脉的变异情况,探讨MRA评价椎动脉变异的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析接受3D-TOF MRA检查的442名体检者影像资料,统计椎动脉起源、走行异常的发生率以及两者间的相互关系。结果:442名体检者中,椎动脉起源异常21例,发生率为4.75%,且均为单侧,其中左侧19例(占90.48%),右侧2例(占9.52%),左侧异常者均起自主动脉弓,右侧异常者均起自右侧颈总动脉。21例椎动脉起源异常均伴有行径异常,入第4颈椎(C4)或第5颈椎(C5)横突孔;椎动脉入横突孔位置异常42例,发生率为9.50%,40例为单侧(占95.24%),左、右侧各半。结论:椎动脉起源异常主要发生在左侧,起源异常的椎动脉常伴有行径异常。而3D-TOF MRA在对健康成人椎动脉变异的检出发挥了重要作用,可为临床手术及相关疾病治疗提供依据。
Objective: To describe 3D-TOF MRA features of anomalous vertebral artery(VA) and evaluate its clinical significance in healthy adults who were accepted physical examination. Methods: A total of 442 cases in which 3D-TOF MRA was performed were retrospectively reviewed to discuss the incidence and relationship between VA origin and course variation. Results: Among this 442 cases, the incidence of origin variation was 4.75%(21/442) in which all cases were unilateral(19 cases in the left and 2 cases in the right). In these cases, the anomalous VA originated from the aortic arch or the right common carotid artery. All of the 21 cases with origin variation had the aberrant entrance position into the transverse foramen(4th or 5th). The incidence of abnormal entrance position into the transverse foramen was 9.50%(42/442),of which most cases(95.24%, 40/42)were unilateral. Of 40 cases, the incidence of both sides was the same(50.00%(20/40)). Conclusion: The VA origin variation always happened in the left side, and often combined with the course variation. 3D-TOF MRA plays an important part in the detection of the anomalous vertebral artery in healthy adults. It can provide useful information for the surgery and the therapy of related diseases.
China Medical Equipment
Magnetic resonance angiography
Vertebral artery
Congenital variation