目的 调查糖尿病住院患者低血糖发生率及发生时段,分析低血糖发生原因。方法 收集某院2013年1-12月14个科室(内科8个,外科6个)住院糖尿病患者血糖值。结果监测血糖105728例次,发生低血糖1374例次,低血糖发生率1.29%;其中严重低血糖为317例次,发生率为0.29%;高发时间段分别为:0:00-2:00,22:00-24:00,2:00-4:00,8:00-10:00,10:00-12:00,发生率分别为2.40%,2.31%,2.00%,1.59%,1.50%;低血糖发生与三餐的关系为:低血糖的高发时间段分别为夜晚、早餐后、午餐前、晚餐前;发生率分别为1.80%、1.39%、1.29%、0.99%;症状性低血糖646例次,占47.01%,无症状性低血糖728例次,占52.98%,有症状低血糖血糖值多见于3.4-3.9mmol/L,发生率为29.92%,无症状低血糖血糖值多见于2.8-3.3mmol/L,发生率31.80%。内科低血糖发生率为1.49%,外科低血糖发生率0.87%。结论低血糖严重危害患者健康,内科低血糖发生率高于外科,无症状低血糖较有症状低血糖血糖值偏低,应警惕低血糖高发时段,做好低血糖易发时段及无症状低血糖的预防及处理;合理应用降血糖药物来防范低血糖的发生。
Objective To investigate the incidence and time distribution of hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients with diabetes. Methods The blood glucose of hospitalized patients with diabetes in 14 clinical departments was monitored from January to December 2013. Results Totally 105728 cases of blood glucose were monitored and1374 cases of hypoglycemia were detected. The incidence of hypoglycemia was 1.29%. Among which,317 cases of severe hypoglycemia were detected and the incidence of severe hypoglycemia was 0.29%. The peak periods of hypoglycemia were 0:00 to 2:00,22:00 to 24:00,2:00 to 4:00,8:00 to 10:00,10:00 to 12:00,and the incidence of hypoglycemia in these periods was 2.40%,2.31%,2.00%,1.59%,1.50%,respectively. The time distribution of hypoglycemia revealed that night,after breakfast,before supper and before lunch were the high-risk periods of hypoglycemia,and the incidence of hypoglycemia in these periods was 1.80%,1.39%,1.29%,0.99 %,respectively. The symptomatic hypoglycemia accounted for 47.01%,the asymptomatic hypoglycemia accounted for 52.98%,and the blood glucose of most symptomatic hypoglycemia ranged from 3.4 to 3.9mmol/L,while the blood glucose of most asymptomatic hypoglycemia ranged from 2.8 to 3.3mmol/L. The incidence of hypoglycemia was 1.49% in medical departments and 0.87% in surgical departments. Conclusion Hypoglycemia causes serious damage to health. The incidence of hypoglycemia is higher in medical departments than that of surgical departments. The blood glucose is lower in patients with asymptomatic hypoglycemia than that with symptomatic hypoglycemia. It is suggested to be vigilant of high risk periods of hypoglycemia,detect and treat asymptomatic hypoglycemia timely and rationally administer antidiabetics to prevent hypoglycemia.
Chinese Journal of Nursing
Diabetes Mellitus