生产中,生料磨定检或是故障停车时间超过10 h,入窑生料LSF就会出现明显升高,从而导致熟料KH出现较大波动。对于有计划的长时间停磨,控制生料细度和均化库料位,停磨前有计划地调整出磨生料率值,能有效地减少长时间停磨对入窑生料及熟料质量产生的影响;对于设备异常临时停磨的情况,就要根据均化库的工作原理,延长换区时间,同时加开库底备用风机增强库内搅拌气流,延缓入窑生料LSF、IM的增长,同时,还得采取固定下料区间的方式使开磨后调整的低LSF生料尽快出库。
During operation,when raw mill stop running for more than 10 hrs.because of planned repair or malfunction,LSF value for raw meal entering kiln will raise up obviously resulting in big fluctuation to KH value in the clinker.As for the planned mill stop for long time,effluence to raw meal and/or clinker quality can be effectively reduced by means of controlling the fineness of raw meal and the material level in homogenization silo,as well as adjusting raw meal modulus in a planned way before mill stopping.As for short-time mill stop because of abnormal cases,people should prolong the duration time of exchanging the different part based on the working mechanism of homo-silo,switch on the stand-by fan under silo bottom for increasing the agitation air-flow to delay increasing of LSF,IM value of the raw meal entering kiln.At the same time,silo discharging part should be fixed to let the low LSF value raw meal to be discharged from silo as quick as possible when the mill is re-started.
Cement guide for new epoch
Raw mill
Stop running
Raw meal quality