The liver is one of the most complex organs in the body, performs a multitude of functions, and is the important target organ for drug toxicity testing. To establish in vitro hepatic models is important ways for drug toxicity testing. Conventionally, in vitro cell culture has involved growing cells in different media compositions or layering them on matrices largely composed of natural ECM components such as collagen or matrigel. However the hepatic function is likely to be decreased or lost. Kinds of more sophisticated techniques applied in hepatocyte culture are being derived that have better capture distinct features of the liver in the in vivo microenvironmcnt. Three-dimensional (3D) cultures of liver cells in 3D scaffolds, as spheroids or cell sheets, allow for a high degree of cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction, differentiation, better liver function and an in vivo-like architecture. More recently, decellularized matrices have been used as scaffolds that support ideal cell-matrix interactions. In this review, we discussed the various configurations including 2D and 3D as spheroids, cell sheets and decellularized matriees that have been implemented in the in vitro culture of liver cells and their application in tools for drug screening.
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering