目的调查截止2013年底止,上海市24家精神卫生专业机构医生队伍现状及未来需求,以便为更好地实施精神科住院医师规范化培训项目提供科学依据。方法采用问卷调查方法,对上海市24家公立精神卫生专业机构进行问卷调查和个别深入访谈、核实,内容包括床位数量、医生数量、职称情况、需求情况等。结果 24家专科医院实际开放床位13159张,医生数为1046人,床位数与医生数之比为12.58:1;其中具有中、高级职称的医师609人;住院医师323人;各类其他医师114人。最近四年共招录住院医师规范化培训生171人,未来3年在不包括综合性医院的精神(心理)科及其他民营精神专科医疗机构的实际需求下,上海市各级精神卫生医疗机构精神科医师需求则为331人。结论上海市精神科医生供需矛盾突出,职称结构不合理。
Objective At the end of 2013,the survey studied the current status and future demands of doctor team from 24 mental health professional institutions in Shanghai in an effect to provide scientific basis for the relevant governmental authorities to better implement the training project for standardization of residency psychiatrists. Methods Investigations and studies were conducted in 24 public mental health professional institutions in Shanghai by using self-prepared questionnaire. In-depth interviews and verifications were employed to follow up on the figures from such questionnaire. Results The 24 specialized hospitals actually have 13159 in-patient beds open to public. There are 1046 doctors in all,among which 609 hold intermediate or higher level of qualifications. 323 are residency doctors,and 114 are of other subjects. The ratio of number of beds and number of doctors is 12. 58: 1. In the past 4 years,171 residency doctors standardization trainees have been recruited,however,331 psychiatrists are required for Shanghai mental health medical professional institutions at all levels for the in-coming 3 years,which demand excludes that of mental health / psychology department of comprehensive hospitals and other private mental health specialized medical institutions. Conclusion The lack of psychiatrists in Shanghai is obvious and the professional qualification structure is unreasonable.
Sichuan Mental Health
The Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China
Doctor Team