
司法的“跃进”与“越界” 反思香港终审法院之“变性人结婚权案”(W判例) 被引量:5

Judicial Activism and Trespass A Critical Review on the W Decision of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
摘要 香港终审法院于2013年5月就香港首宗变性人结婚案颁布终审判决,裁定限制变性人W女士结婚的香港现行婚姻制定法违反《基本法》第37条所保护的结婚权。通过细观终审法院赖以作出判决之普通法上有关变性人结婚权的一系列关键性先例,以及批判性地审视终审判决本身的判决理由,可以发现此终审判决有失谨慎,略显"霸道"。主要理由有二:其一,罔顾欧洲(包括英国)与香港社会制度及实际情形的差异,"跃进"式地将欧洲做法适用于香港,导致在未经社会充分讨论与研究的情况下,"强行"为现行婚姻制度带来重大改变;其二,在司法解释的外衣下修改了婚姻制定法,"僭越"了立法机构之权限,并造成婚姻制度上立法与司法不同步的尴尬局面。 The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal ("CFA') delivered its final decision on the case of W v Registrar of Marriages, the first transgender marriage case in Hong Kong. It has been decided that it is unconstitutional to restrict the right to marry when the woman applying for marriage is a transgender woman. Undoubtedly, the CFA decision had far--reaching impact on the Hong Kong society. After a careful scrutiny into the relevant common law precedents and a critical review on the CFA decision, the Author holds the position that the W decision has been made with less carefulness and with too much judicial activeness. There are two main reasons based on which the conclusion is drawn: first, it is sort of judicial activism that the CFA made substantial change to the current marriage institution before there is a full and sufficient discussion in the Hong Kong community and also before there is any evidence justifying a departure from the traditional mar- riage concept; secondly, it is undeniable a trespass on the power of legislature when the CFA insisted on amen- ding the marriage law under the guise of judicial interpretation.
作者 薛张敏敏
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期245-263,共19页 Peking University Law Journal
关键词 性别认定标准 变性人 变性婚姻 司法能动主义 良心条款 Sex Recognition Factors Transgender Person Transgender Marriage Judicial Activism Clauses of Conscience
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  • 1W v. Registrar of Marriages, (2013) 3 H.K.L.R.D. 90 (H.K.C.F.A.). 被引量:1
  • 2W v. Registrar of Marriages, Supra note 1, at 102, pare. 15. 被引量:1
  • 3See Marco Wan, "Doing Things with the Past: A Critique of the Use of History by Hong Kong's Court of First Instance in W v. Registrar of Marriages", 41 Hong Kong Law Journal, 110 (2011). 被引量:1
  • 4See Holning Lau, Derek Loh, "Misapplication of ECHR Jurisprudence in W v. Registrar of Marria ges", 41 Hong Kong Law Journal, 76 (2011). 被引量:1
  • 5See Kelley Loper, "W v. Registrar of Marriages and the Right to Equality in Hong Kong", 41 Hong Kong Law Journal, 91 (2011). 被引量:1
  • 6Corbett v. Corbett (Otherwise Ashley), (1971) p. 83 (Probate, Divorce Admiralty Div.). 被引量:1
  • 7Attorney-General v. Otahuhu, (1995) 1 N.Z.L.R. 603 (Family Court)]. 被引量:1
  • 8Kevin v. Attorney-General, (2001) 165 F.L.R 404 (Family Court of Australia). 被引量:1
  • 9Goodwin v. United Kingdom, App. No. 28957/95, 35 Eur. H.R. Rep. 447 (2002). 被引量:1
  • 10See W v. Registrar of Marriages, Supra note 1, at 104. 被引量:1











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