目的调查武警部队战士身体柔韧素质,为武警部队科学训练和预防军事训练伤的发生提供理论依据。方法测量武警某机动部队420名战士的坐位体前屈并采用人体测量技术测量及计算瘦体质量、体脂百分率,进行相应比较。结果 (1)该武警机动部队战士坐位体前屈(16.30±6.69)高于地方大学生(11.63±7.16),且差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01),瘦体质量(57.57±5.21)高于地方大学生(46.85±7.17),且具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。瘦体质量与坐位体前屈相关系数为0.181,存在显著性相关(P<0.05)。(2)南方籍战士坐位体前屈(17.48±6.14)优于北方籍战士(15.67±6.90),且具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。新兵坐位体前屈(15.36±6.84)不如老兵(16.66±6.58),且具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。将F≤15%和F>15%的战士坐位体前屈比较(16.42±6.82;15.49±5.71),差异无统计学意义。(3)该武警机动部队战士体脂百分率F为(12.79±2.30),体脂超标情况不严重,体脂超标人员的F相对集中于较低值。体脂百分率与坐位体前屈进行相关分析(r=-0.105,P>0.05),未达到显著性相关。结论该武警机动部队战士身体柔韧素质较好。部队应对战士柔韧素质的提高高度重视,加强科学训练。尤其是北方籍战士和新兵应加强韧带伸展等训练,以提高柔韧素质。
Objective To investigate the soldiers’flexibility quality in armed police forces,as to provide the theoretical basis for scientific training and prevent military training injuries in armed police forces. Methods To measure the sit-and-reach on soldiers of the Chinese people's armed tactical unit,and to measure and evaluate the lean body weight and the body fat composition percentage by anthropometric technology, and then to compare accordingly. Results (1)The sit-and-reach of the soldiers were higher than that of local college students, and it had significant difference extremely (P〈0.01). The lean body weight of the soldiers were higher than that of local college students, and it had difference significantly (P〈0.05). The lean body weight and the sit-and-reach correlation coefficient was 0.181, there was significant correlation (P〈0.05). (2)The sit-and-reach of the southern soldiers was better than that of northern soldiers, and it had significant difference extremely (P〈0.01). The sit-and-reach of the new recruits was not as good as the old soldiers, and it had significant difference (P〈0.05). Compared the sit-and-reach by the body fat composition percentage,F≤15%with F〉15%,they had not reached significant difference. (3)The soldiers’body fat composition percentage of the Chinese people's armed tactical unit was(12.79±2.30), the situation that be above the norm in body fat was not serious. The score of the F of excess body fat people relatively focused on the lower. To analysis the correlation for the body fat composition percentage and the sit-and-reach, the correlation index was-0.105, and there was not reach significant correlation (P〈0.05). Conclusion The soldiers’body flexibility quality in this Chinese people's armed tactical unit was better, the body fat content and sit-and-reach had not to reach significant difference yet. The soldiers’body flexibility quality was better than that of local college students, new recruits was not as go
Contemporary Medicine
Body fat
Lean body weight
Military training injuries
Armed police forces