目的:探讨儿童意外伤害患儿的流行病学特征及预后情况。方法对上海交通大学附属儿童医院儿童重症监护室2011年10月~2014年9月收治的意外伤害患儿,进行回顾性研究。结果该阶段共收治意外伤害患儿192例,占 PICU 收治患儿总数的6.40%;男孩116例,女孩76例。婴幼儿组(0~3岁)108例,意外发生率最高(56.77%),学龄前儿童组(~6岁)50例(26.04%),学龄儿童组(~10岁)20例(10.42%),青春期组(~15岁)14例(7.29%)。意外伤害种类按照例数排序依次为车祸伤、高空坠落伤、跌落或撞击致脑外伤、药物中毒、气道异物、溺水、消化道异物、颈部外伤、切割伤。死亡人数32例,死亡率16.7%,3年病死率分别为14.28%,15.68%,28.57%。0~3岁婴幼儿组是构成死亡病例的主要群体。溺水是主要意外死亡原因,其次为药物中毒。结论意外伤害发生率和病死率有逐年上升趋势,以跌落或撞击致脑外伤和药物中毒增长最为明显。随儿童年龄增长,意外伤害发生率降低。婴幼儿易发生车祸伤和高空坠落伤,年长儿要注意预防溺水、药物中毒。
Objective To explore the causes and prognosis of unintentional injuries admitted to pediatric intensive care unit. Methods The clinical data of 192 children with unintentional injuries ,116 boys and 76 girls, treated in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of the Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University from September 2011 to September 2011, accounting for 6.40% of the total number of the children admitted to the PICU. treated patients. were analyzed according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10. Results The incidence rates of unintentional injuries of the children aged 0~~3 (n=108), 3~6 (n=50), 6~10 (n=29), and 10~15 (n=14) were 56.77%, 26.04%, 10.42%, and (7.29% respectively. The types of unintentional injuries arranged accrording to the incidence from high to low were traffic accident injury, falling from height, brain injury, drug poisoning, foreign bodies ingestion, drowning, foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract, neck injury, and cutting. The infant group had the highest incidence of injury, most with traffic accident injury, falling from height and brain injury. 32 children died with a moratlity of 16.7% . The incidence of unintentional injuries reduces as children grow older. Conclusion There is a trend of increase of incidence and mortality of unintentional injuries among children. The higher the age of children, the lower the incidence rates of unintentional injuries. Attention should be paid to prevent traffic injuriy and falling among infants and prevent drowing among older children.
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine