To study the polymorphism of skeleton muscle-specific pri-miR-133 among different sheep breeds and analyze its correlation with the muscle phenotype, pri-miR-133 polymorphism among four breeds with different meat production performance (Texel, Chinese Merifio Fine Wool, Altay and Hu Sheep), and the effects of the pri-miR-133h polymorphism on its secondary structure, stability and the ca- pacity of mature miR-133 processing were detected and analyzed by PCR-SSCP. The result showed that there was a A/G transversion at 194 bp downstream of pre-miR-133b, and the SNP was clearly associated with its corresponding meat traits. In Texel flock, GG genotype was the preponderant genotype, and G al- lele frequency reached 0.86, the value of G allele frequency in Texel was four times the frequency of G al- lele in Chinese Merino flock. The Secondary structure further bio informatics analysis showed that the mu- tation significantly changed the secondary structure of pre-miR-133, and the free energy value was reduced by 3.2 KJ/mol. The above indicated that the SNP in pri-miR-133 may have a significant impact on the pro- cessing of mature miR-133, and affect the performance of sheep meat production.
Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology