根据插电式四驱混合动力轿车在各种工况下的工作模式,确定了各个动力部件的转矩分配,以此为依据制定了此混合动力轿车基于逻辑门限值的控制策略,并在有限状态机Statefl ow中搭建了控制策略的核心状态流图,然后使用Cruise进行了仿真并对仿真结果进行了评价。仿真结果表明,汽车的动力性以及经济性都达到了设计指标要求,在NEDC下验证时,不论是在高电量区还是在低电量区,各动力部件均按照控制策略来工作,并且实现了各种工作模式的转换,控制策略有效而可行。
For the operation modes of the 4WD hybrid vehicle under different working conditions, torque distribution of the power components was determined. The control strategy of the hybrid vehicle was developed based on the logic threshold, and the key Stateflow diagram was created in FSM. Then Cruise was used for simulation and the results show that the power and economic performance can meet the design index, each power unit works in accordance with the control strategy at any SOC value of the battery under NEDC condition, and the conversion between different operation modes is achieved. Therefore the control strategy is effective and feasible.
Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering