本研究采用插床育苗、薄膜覆盖的方法对泰顺杜鹃插穗进行不同剂型生根粉、不同浸泡时间、不同年龄、不同插穗长度和不同品种对比的扦插实验。结果表明:(1)生长调节剂GGR 6号相对于萘乙酸、清水生根率和不定根数较多;(2)按照高浓度速蘸低浓度浸泡原则,同激素的GGR 6号在同一浓度100 mg/L进行浸泡,以1.5 h^2h效果显著;(3)对于不同年龄生的插穗,一年生、两年生和三年生的虽不存在显著差异,但一年生插穗生根性状指标还是略高于其他;(4)对于不同规格的插穗,长度6~10 cm的生根率明显好于其他规格;(5)不同品种杜鹃生根状况存在差异,实验结果刺毛杜鹃整体性状优于泰顺杜鹃。
This study was carried out by growing seedlings on bed and thin film overlay method to compare the effects of different rooting powders,soaking times,twig years,cutting shoot lengths and Rhododendron varieties. The results showed:( 1) Comparing to 1- Naphthaleneacetic acid and water,growth regulator GGR 6 treatment could get higher rooting percentage and more adventitious roots;( 2) According to principle of quick dipping at high concentration and soaking at low concentration,when soaking time was 1. 5 hour to 2 hour by GGR 6 at 100 mg / L,the effect was remarkable;( 3) As for the rooting index,there were no obvious differences between one- year,two- year and three- year cutting shoots,but the former was a little more than the others;( 4) For different specifications of cutting shoots,the rooting percentage of that with length of 6- 10 cm is higher than others;( 5) The rooting condition showed difference between different varieties,and the character of Rhododendron championiae is superior to Rhododendron stishunense.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources
Rhododendron stishunense
cuttage propagation
rooting percentage