目的 探讨螺旋CT对腰椎间盘突出症及其并发椎管狭窄疾病临床诊断的价值。方法 将我院自2013年4月至2014年7月间使用GEpros-peedAI螺旋CT机诊断为腰椎问盘突出症并发椎管狭窄的148例患者作为研究对象,对其CT影像资料进行回归性分析。结果 经过研究发现有142例患者向椎管内凸起的椎间盘阴影,35例的患者出现神经根增粗,25例的患者硬膜囊和椎间盘之间的脂肪组织层消失或不对称,40例的患者有黄韧带肥厚的现象,36例患者椎体后缘骨质增生,18例隐窝狭窄,n例患者椎间孔狭窄,27例出现椎板增厚的现象;患者按照病理变化的类型可在临床上分为中央型(12.16%)、侧后型(30.4l%)、侧旁型(14.86%)、髓核游离型(20.27%)及Schmrl(22.30%)结节五种类型。结论 使用螺旋CT诊断腰椎间盘突出症并发椎管狭窄可以无损伤、伤痛小、准确的了解到受检者的椎闽盘有、椎管及其附属结构是否发生异常,为临床制定正确手术方案提供重要的诊断依据。
Objective To explore the value of spiral CT in diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation and its associated with spinal stenosis disease. Methods in our hospitalfrom 2013 April to 2014 July using GEprospeedAI spiral CT for the diagnosis oflumbar disc herniation complicated with spinal stenosis 148 patients as the research object, the CT image data by regression analysis. Results after research found 142 cases of patients with lumbar intervertebral disc shadow to spinal projections, 35cases of patients with nerve root thickening, between patients with dural sac and the intervertebral disc in 25 cases of fatty tissue layer disappeared or asymmetry,40 cases of patients with hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum phenomenon, 36 cases of patients with vertebral body posterior marginal osseous hyperplasia recessus stenosis, 18 cases, 11 cases with intervertebral foramen stenosis occurred in 27 cases, phenomenon lamina thiekening patients according to the type of pathological changes in clinical practice is divided into central type (12.16 %), posterior type(30.41%), lateral (14.86%), nucleus pulposus type (20.27%) and Schmrl (22.30%)nodules of five types. Conclusion the use of spiral CT in the diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation complicated with spinal stenosis can disc without injury, painsmall, accurate understanding to the subjects, vertebral canal and its accessory structure there is abnormal, provide the basis for diagnosis of important for correct clinical operation scheme.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases