目的探讨多维度关怀措施在肿瘤患者PICC置管过程中的应用。方法对1 560例PICC置管患者在置管前、中、后实施多维度关怀措施,包括创建人文环境、建立PICC分诊台、置管过程中保护患者隐私、尊重患者选择、鼓励患者情感的表达、深化护士人文意识、置管后病区随访、进行信息化健康教育等方面,并根据与患者访谈结果评价多维度关怀措施实施效果。结果多维度关怀措施实施后,1 560例患者均完成置管,置管成功率为100.00%,一次性穿刺成功率为96.92%。患者访谈结果显示,护士良好的态度让患者很放松;减轻了患者疼痛;护士换位思考让患者从不同角度感受到被关怀;护士合适的表达,让患者理解并接受。结论多维度关怀措施的实施能有效缓解患者紧张情绪,让患者在PICC置管过程中感受到了护士的关爱和尊重,增强了护患沟通,提高了置管成功率。
Objective To explore the application of multi - dimensional caring measures in the process of PICC insertion among cancer patients. Methods Multidimensional caring measures were implemented for 1 560 PICC cases,which included creating humanistic environment,establishing PICC triage, protecting patient privacy during catheterization, respect for patient selection ,encouraging patients to express,deepening nurses'humanities conseiousness,tollow -up service after catheter ization,health education. Interviews with patients were conducted to evaluate the effects. Results All patients completed PICC insertion,the success rate was 100.00% ,and the one time success rate was 96.92%. Implementation of multi -dimensional caring measures let patinets feel relaxed ,reduced patient pain. The patients felt being cared for. Conclusion hnplementation of multi - dimensional caring measures can effectively relieve the tension of patients. Patients feel the love and respect from nurses in process of PICC,enhance nurse -tmtient communication.and improve the success rate of catheterizatiun.
Journal of Nursing Administration