
激光焊接夹层板结构设计程序开发 被引量:1

Software delopment for laser-welded sandwich panels design
摘要 基于U-I型、U-IV型、V-I型、V-IV型4种夹层板结构形式,利用PCL(Patran Command Language)语言对MSC.Patran进行二次开发,设计开发出折叠式夹层板结构设计程序(FEA-LASCOR)。该程序仅需设计者在用户界面简单操作即能够实现夹层板板格快速建模、屈服强度分析、结果处理等功能。验算分析表明FEALASCOR程序具有与传统数值仿真分析一样的精度,并缩短了繁琐的建模工作,显著提高设计分析效率,为夹层板船体结构设计高效、快捷的分析工具。 Based on the four types of folded sandwich panels( U- I,U- IV,V- I,V- IV),the redevelopment of MSC. Patran using Patran Command language is adapt to get a finite element analysis of LASer welded corrugated CORe steel sandwich panels program( FEA- LASCOR). The program can realize the parametric modeling,analysis,result processing of sandwich panels by entering the Main structural parameters,displacement,load conditions which are needed in the mechanical analysis. Besides ensure the accuracy of the results,FEA- LASCOR can improve the efficiency of operations in the finite element analysis of folded sandwich panels. The FEA- LASCOR can be regard as an efficient and shortcut tool use for the design of sandwich panels.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2015年第1期112-118,共7页 Ship Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51379093)
关键词 结构设计 折叠式夹层板 PCL 参数化建模 structure design corrugated core sandwich panels PCL parametric modeling
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