
中药外用治疗婴幼儿鹅口疮的疗效观察 被引量:10

Clinical observation on the treatment of infant thrush by external use of chinese medicine
摘要 治疗婴幼儿鹅口疮,观察组41例:10%的大黄煎剂擦拭患处,"白矾3份+黄连2份+冰片1份"研成粉末涂布患处;对照组41例:1%-2%碳酸氢钠擦洗患处,每毫升含5万-10万单位的制霉菌素甘油涂布患处。总有效率:观察组95.12%(39/41),对照组75.61%(31/41),通过秩和检验,P〈0.05。中药外用治疗婴幼儿鹅口疮有临床应用价值。 41 cases of infant thrush in observation group were treated by 10% rhubarb decoction wipe on the affected area followed by pow-dered “alum 3 +goldthread 2 +borneol 1”coating;41 cases in the control group were treated by 1% -2% baking soda scrub on the affect-ed area followed by glycerol wipe containing 50 000 to 100 000 units/ml of nystatin.The efficiency was 95.12%(39 /41)and 75.61%(31 /41)in observation and control groups respectively(P 〈0.05).The external use of chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of in-fant thrush.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期125-126,共2页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 鹅口疮 中药外用 疗效 婴幼儿 Thrush External administration ofherbs Curative effect Infant
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