

Building a Opening up, Beautiful, Moderately Prosperous, Happy and Harmonious new Yulong County
摘要 玉龙,是全国唯一的纳西族自治县,也是省级扶贫开发重点县。2013年,玉龙县攻坚克难,在诸多领域取得了辉煌成绩:“三农”稳步发展,新型工业步伐加快,旅游业竞争力增强,城乡基础更加夯实,人民生活不断改善,生态环境持续良好,和谐局面日益巩固,执行能力明显提升。2014年,玉龙要牢牢把握稳中求进总基调,抢抓有利机遇,发挥区位和资源优势,继续实施七大战略,着力打造四大基地,坚持生态优先,突出项目投资拉动、特色产业推动、城镇建设驱动和园区经济带动,做强产业、做大园区、做实基础,力争完成:生产总值增长14%,公共财政预算收入增长15%,固定资产投资增长20%,农村和城镇居民人均可支配收入分别增长15%和12%,加快全省最具特色的民族自治县建设步伐。 Yulong, is the only Naxi Autonomous County, and it is also the provincial poverty counties. In 2013, Yulong County tackles tough problems, and has made brilliant achievements in many areas. "three rural" develops steady, the pace of new industries accelerated, the tourism industry is becoming more competitive, urban and rural infrastructure becomes more compacted, people's lives are improving, ecological environment is continuous changing, harmonious situation increasingly consolidated, implementation capacity has improved significantly. In 2014, Yulong county needs to grasp the general tone firmly while maintaining stability, seize the favorable opportunity, use the advantages of locations and resources, continue to implement the seven strategic, focused on creating four bases, adhere to ecological priority, highlighting the project investment-led, special industries push, urban construction drive and park economy, driven by stronger industry, bigger parks, and solid foundation, and strive to complete: GDP grows to 14 percent, the public budget revenue grows to 15%, fixed-asset investment grows to 20%, rural and urban residents per capita disposable income grows to 15% and 12%, respectively, to accelerate the pace of the province's most distinctive ethnic autonomous construction.
作者 和红卫
出处 《丽江师范高等专科学校学报》 2014年第3期31-36,共6页 Journal of Lijiang Teachers College
关键词 改革开放 做优生态 做强产业 强化治理 改善民生 美丽小康 幸福和谐 Reform and Opening up, Making a good ecological Environment, strengthen industry, Strengthening Governance, Improving People's Livelihood, beautiful and well-off Happy and Harmony








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