
美国福利公民身份缺损的政治制度解释 被引量:1

Political Institutional Interpretation of the Defect of the American Welfare Citizenship
摘要 本文将主要回答一个理论问题:为什么美国没有在合适的时间内实现福利国家的建制。当英国、德国等资本主义国家在19世纪末20世纪初,相对较早地逐步建构起现代福利国家,并逐步实现了福利公民身份的时候,美国却迟迟未能建立起福利国家建制。以往的研究往往将其原因归纳为工业化与现代化的实现、福利供给的物质替代与价值替代、国家相对自主性不足与国家能力缺失、州际商业竞争的"反向激励"等方面。但是,这些因素的解释要么比较薄弱,要么比较模糊,要么只是中间变量,而难以从深层次的结构与体制层面加以解释。本文将美国福利公民身份缺损的原因归纳为美国宪政民主体制的阻碍,主要体现在州际关系与联邦—州关系的阻碍、美国联邦政府的多重分权制衡体制、政党结构与多元民主体制的限制等方面。而其根本原因还在于美国阶级结构的复杂性,即工人阶级内部多元分割而导致的分裂、中产阶级的保守化等结构性原因。所以,本文基本的结论是:美国早熟或者相对发达的宪政民主体制阻碍了美国福利公民身份的实现。 This article intends to interpret a theoretical question: why America did not establish the welfare state at the right time.America failed to establish the welfare state while the other capitalist countries like England and Germany have made it in the early 19 th century. Previous studies have tended to ascribe the issue to industrialization and modernization, material and value substitution to welfare providing, the lack of state relative autonomy and state capacity, 'Reverse Incentive' of the interstate commerce competition and so on.However, the interpretation of these factors are either weak or fuzzy, or just some intermediate variables,so they have difficulties in making a deeper explain to the question through structural and institutional level.This paper will attribute the defective of the American welfare citizenship to the fence of the American constitutional democracy system,mainly reflected in interstate relations and the federal-state relations,pluralistic system of checks and balances in US Federal Government,the limitation of the party structure and pluralism democracy and so on.However, the basic reason lies in the complexity of the American class structure: the cleavage of the working class,the conservative of the middle class and some other structural factors.Therefore,this paper finally comes to a basic conclusion that the relatively precocious and developed system of the American constitutional democracy hindered the realization of the American welfare citizenship.
作者 陈兆旺
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第6期61-73,127,共13页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
基金 作者主持的上海高校青年教师培养资助计划课题"民主化过程中的社会再分配--类型学的比较分析"(ZZshsf14020) 刘建军教授主持的国家社会科学基金重大项目"资本-福利-信息时代西方政治制度的困境与历史局限研究"(13&ZD035)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国政治 宪政民主体制 现代福利国家建制 福利公民身份 政治制度 American politics Welfare State Citizenship Political institution Establish the welfare state
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