2011年7-8月对云南香格里拉高山植物园的宝兴百合(Lilium duchartrei Franch.)种群进行了传粉生物学研究实验,以期找到这种花朵开放初期雌雄异位的植物传粉生物学特点。结果表明,记录到的178次昆虫对宝兴百合的访问中能触碰到柱头的仅有蝴蝶类1次,有效传粉者传粉频率严重不足;单花期5.5-6.5 d,花开放的前3天,柱头远离花药,从花开放的第二天起花柱缓慢向上偏转,第四天将柱头从远离花药位置送到刚好可以接受自花花粉的位置,利于早期没有昆虫传粉的花朵延迟自交,自花授粉发生在花期末期,自交之前仍然保持异交传粉机制;自然状态(92.3%)及完全套袋处理(90%)的结实率接近,说明宝兴百合传粉存在花柱偏转促进的延迟自交,但2种处理的每果实种子数自然状态(121)显著高于完全套袋处理(78),又说明由昆虫传粉的异交更利于宝兴百合结实。延迟自交避免了自交与异交竞争造成的花粉或者种子的折损,为宝兴百合在有效访花昆虫不足导致异交失败时提供繁殖保障。
Pollination biology experiment of Lilium duchartrei populations was carried out in Yunnan Shangri-La Alpine botanical garden from July to August in 2011,which hopping to find pollination characteristics of the plant. The results showed that among 178 times insect visiting records to Lilium duchartrei,only butterfly touched the stigma for 1 time,which indicated pollination frequency of effective pollinator was less; Usually,flowering phase is counted for 5. 5 - 6. 5d,in the front three days,stigma leaves anthers,and slowly upward deflection,the fourth day will located in right position for self-pollen. Delayed selfing is beneficial to non-insect pollination. Before self pollination,outcrossing pollination mechanism still maintained; seed setting rate of nature state( 92. 3%) and complete bagging( 90%) was close,which showed stylar deflection promoting delayed selfing was existing in Lilium duchartrei. pollination,but fruit average seed number of nature state( 121) was significantly higher than that of complete bagging treatment( 78),which illustrated outcrossing pollinators was more conducive to Lilium duchartrei.seed. Delayed selfing avoids pollen or seed damage caused by selfing and outcrossing competition,and provides reproductive assurance for Lilium duchartrei.
Forest Inventory and Planning
Lilium duchartrei
style deflection
delayed selfing
reproductive assurance