
晋江流域水量分配与生态环境补偿机制 被引量:8

Study on Water Allocation and Ecological Compensation of Water Resources Protection in Jinjiang River Basin
摘要 基于已颁布的晋江下游分水方案,对晋江上游水量分配的研究思路与研究重点进行分析与探讨,以水资源可持续利用、权责利相统一、公平兼顾效率作为分水的基本原则,将流域地表水资源总量作为分配对象,提出了以存量体现公平、增量体现效率的水量分配思路,构建晋江全流域的水量分配方案。以流域水量分配方案作为基础和保障,引入流域上下游生态环境保护补偿机制,其中补偿额度通过修正后的流域上游各区域的水资源生态服务价值确定,资金分摊和分配主要以上游各区水资源贡献率和下游各区域分水比例为依据。通过流域水量分配方案和生态环境保护补偿机制有机结合,提出一种新的流域水资源管理模式。 Based on water allocation scheme of downstream of Jinjiang River,the guideline and three basic principles of the water allocation scheme research for Jinjiang River basin were studied. Two new conceptions,water resources stock and water resources increment were pro-posed. The total surface water was taken as the allocatable water. In the scheme,water resources stock as the historical water resources utili-zation should be satisfied to reflect the equity principle. The water resources increment as the new incremental water demanding should be al-located by the water resources utilization efficiency of each region. Furthermore,ecological compensation of water resources protection mecha-nism was raised based on the water allocation scheme to ensure the sustainable development of river basin.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期68-71,共4页 Yellow River
基金 水利部节水型社会建设项目
关键词 水量分配 生态环境补偿 水资源管理 晋江 water allocation ecological compensation water resources management Jinjiang River
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