This short review is to list pros and cons which are based on the literature and personal experience in cell culture studies related to possible commercial production of artificial meat as functional food. The general view of muscle composition and determinants of meat quality are shortly described. Principles of muscle cell propagation in culture and mutual relationships between different cell types present in this organ are briefly discussed. Additionally, the effects of some cytokines and growth factors for muscle cell growth and muscle tissue development are indicated. Finally, conclusion remarks related to detrimental consequences of meat production to natural environment as well as personal opinion of author on the prospects of artificial meat production are declared.
This short review is to list pros and cons which are based on the literature and personal experience in cell culture studies related to possible commercial production of artificial meat as functional food. The general view of muscle composition and determinants of meat quality are shortly described. Principles of muscle cell propagation in culture and mutual relationships between different cell types present in this organ are briefly discussed. Additionally, the effects of some cytokines and growth factors for muscle cell growth and muscle tissue development are indicated. Finally, conclusion remarks related to detrimental consequences of meat production to natural environment as well as personal opinion of author on the prospects of artificial meat production are declared.
provided by grant from the National Science Centre in Poland (UMO-2013/11/B/NZ5/03106)