为了解决激光打标控制卡在开发制作过程中标刻图像验证困难的问题,设计了一种激光标刻图像验证装置。该装置首先是通过主控模块FPGA来控制串口线进行激光打标卡的数据采集,然后经过数据检测、判别和存储后筛选出振镜坐标数据和激光器开关光数据,通过USB总线将数据传输至PC上位机,最终由上位机还原数据实现图像的模拟标刻,该装置的数据采集遵循XY2-100协议,FPGA主控模块选用Cyclone III芯片,USB传输模块选用FT2232H芯片。该装置能够快速、完整地获取激光打标控制卡在进行图像标刻过程中的实时数据,并能在上位机模拟绘制出实际标刻的图案。实验结果表明,该硬件装置运行稳定、精度较高、图案验证性强。
In order to solve the image verification during the laser marking card development process, a laser marking image verification device is designed. Firstly, the the main control module of FPGA controls the serial port line to complete data acquisition, after data detection, discrimination and storage, the galvanometer coordinate data and laser switch data are transmited to the PC from USB bus, and reducted by the upper computer to realize image engraving simulation. The data acquisition follows XY2-100 protocol, the main control module of FPGA is Cyclone III, USB transfer module is chip FT2232H. The real-time data during the image engraving process can be acquierd quickly and completely by the device, and can be used to simulate the actual engraving pattern on the upper computer. The experimental results show that the device has running stability, high precision, strong image authentication.
Video Engineering