
高职学生恋爱暴力与抑郁的关联研究 被引量:8

Analysis of relevance between dating violence and depression in vocational students
摘要 目的在描述高职学生恋爱暴力流行特征的基础之上,为干预高职学生抑郁提供循证依据。方法采用现况研究设计,方便抽样整群选取安徽省3所高职院校的4147名在校学生作为调查对象,以《青少年健康行为调查问卷》为调查工具,运用恋爱暴力问卷评价恋爱暴力行为;应用自评抑郁量表(SDS)量表评定抑郁症状。结果综合类高职院校学生躯体暴力检出率和性暴力检出率高于工科类和医科类高职学生,高职男生躯体暴力检出率和心理暴力检出率高于高职女生,不同年级高职学生之间的躯体暴力、心理暴力、性暴力检出率差异均具有统计学意义;独生子女躯体暴力检出率和性暴力检出率高于非独生子女。在校高职生抑郁症状总检出率为55.58%,其中男生为55.4%,女生为55.7%,差异无统计学意义。恋爱暴力与抑郁的关联强度结果显示,性暴力与抑郁的发生有相关性(OR=1.801,95%CI:1.078,3.008,P=0.025)。结论高职学生中恋爱暴力行为比较普遍,有性暴力经历的高职学生可作为抑郁干预的重点人群。 Objective To provide evidence-based basis for intervention of vocational students' depression by analyzing the relevance between dating violence and depression on the basic of description epidemiological feature of vocational students' dating violence. Methods Total 4147 college students from three vocational colleges in Anhui province were selected by convenient sampling the whole group with current research design and the Adolescent Health Behavior Questionnaire was used to be tool for survey. Meanwhile the depression symptoms were evaluated by CES-D scale. Results The body violence rate (25.6%) and sexual violence rate(7.4% ) in comprehensive vocational colleges were higher than those of engineering classes and class medical vocational college. The body violence rate(40.2% ) and mental violence rate(43.4% ) of male students were higher than rate of female students( 15.8% ,35.8% ,respectively) in vocational colleges. There were significant difference among three grades of vocational colleges in body violence, mental violence and sexual violence and the dating violence rate was increased gradually with grades increasing. The body violence rate and sexual violence rate of vocational students from one-child family were 28.1% and 8.8% ,and two rates were higher than rates of students from non-one-child family (20.8 %, 5.2%, respectively). By analyzing the relevance between dating vio- lence and depression, the results showed they had statistical relevance( OR = 1. 801,95% CI: 1. 078,3. 008,P = 0.025 ). Conclusion Dating violence was common among vocational students, so sexual violence experience of vocational students can gave more attention of the intervention for depression.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2015年第3期435-437,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金(81202224) 安徽省学术和技术带头人及后备人选科研资助项目(2012-5) 安徽省省级大学生创新训练计划项目(AH201310366066)
关键词 高职学生 恋爱暴力 抑郁 Vocational students Dating violence Depression
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