
复合材料层合板三点弯曲分层损伤有限元模拟 被引量:10

Finite-Element Modelling of the Delaminations Behavior of Composite Laminates Under Three-Point Bending Load
摘要 针对复合材料的分层损伤,在有限元软件ABAQUS中引入了双线性粘结域单元层建立有限元模型,模拟分析了分层的起始以及演化,同时研究了粘结域单元尺寸及粘结域单元和层合板单元损伤退化参数最大值对分析结果的影响,最终选定0.2 mm的粘结域网格单元与损伤退化参数分别为0.98和0.97的粘结域单元与层合板单元,得到了层合板不同位置分层损伤起始及损伤扩展,并通过实验测试验证了模拟结果的准确性。 Aiming at the delamination behavior of composite laminates,bilinear cohesive-zone elements were employed in the commercial code ABAQUS to establish the finite element model to model the onset and progression of inter-ply delamination process, element size and damage max degradation parameter of cohesive-zone elements and laminate element were taken into consideration. Finally 0.2 mm,0.98 and 0.97 respectively is used as element size,damage max degradation parameter of cohesive-zone elements and laminate element. The research gets the onset and progression of delamination process of different positions of laminate. The accuracy of the simulation results is verified by experimental measurement.
出处 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期60-63,共4页 Engineering Plastics Application
基金 (国防)科工局工业基础项目(C212011C002)
关键词 复合材料 大变形弯曲 有限元模拟 粘结域单元 分层 composite material large-deformation bend FE simulation cohesive-zone element delamination
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