
生活垃圾焚烧飞灰脱氯降解工艺研究 被引量:1

Dechlorination Degradation Technology of Fly Ash from Domestic Waste Incineration
摘要 采用五氯苯模拟飞灰二恶英进行脱氯降解实验。以生活垃圾焚烧厂飞灰为原料,预处理后与五氯苯均匀混合,进行脱氯试验研究,考察气氛、温度、时间、五氯苯含量对飞灰降解率的影响。结果表明:在选择反应气氛时,氮气氛围较空气氛围、密闭氛围较流动氛围更有利于降解率的增加;反应温度由200℃升至450℃的过程中,随温度的升高降解率逐渐增大;五氯苯降解率随着反应时间的增加而升高,加热时间超过1 h,五氯苯降解率达到90%以上;当飞灰中五氯苯浓度由0.5%升至2%时,五氯苯的降解率略有降低,但仍可达到80%以上。 The pentachlorobenzene was used instead of dioxin in fly ash to operate experiment of dechlorination degradation.Fly ash from a domestic waste incineration plant was treated as the raw material. After pretreating, it was mixed evenly with pentachlorobenzene,in order to study the effects by reaction atmosphere,temperature,time and content of pentachlorobenzene on degradation rate. Results showed that nitrogen or sealed atmosphere was superior to air or flowing atmosphere in enhancing the degradation process. And its degradation rate increased gradually with the reaction temperature rising to 450 ℃ from 200 ℃. Also,degradation rate rose with the increase of reaction time and reached to over 90% after one-hour calefaction. Accordingly,although the removal rate decreased slightly when pentachlorobenzene concentration in fly ash rises to 2% from 0. 5%,it can still remain to be80%.
出处 《环境卫生工程》 2014年第4期16-18,共3页 Environmental Sanitation Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2012AA062801)
关键词 飞灰 二恶英 五氯苯 降解 影响因素 fly ash dioxin pentachlorobenzene degradation influence factor
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