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3Costas Lapavitas," Default and exit from the eorozone : a rad- ical left strategy", http://socialistregister, corn/index, php/ srv/article/view/15660. 被引量:1
7John Bellamy Foster, " Capitalism and the Accumulation of Catastrophe", Monthly Review, Volume 63, Issue 07 ( Decem- ber) ,2011. 被引量:1
8Ursula Huws,"Crisis as capitalist opportunity: new accumu- lation through public service commodification", http ://socia- listregister, com/index, php/srv/article/view/15646. 被引量:1
9Richard Dienst, The Bonds of Debt: Borrowing Against theCommon Good, Verso ,2011. 被引量:1
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