目的研究脑卒中患者发生卒中后抑郁的相关社会心理因素。方法采用6个月纵向研究设计,共选定2个观察时间点:T1,发生脑卒中后的第2周;T2,发生脑卒中后的第6个月。在T1时间点对120例脑卒中患者分别应用一般情况调查表(自制)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表、特质应对方式问卷、社会支持评定量表、艾森克人格问卷、Barthel指数(BI)6个量表进行调查。T2时间点对患者应用汉密尔顿抑郁量表、Barthel指数(BI)量表进行追踪调查。结果 T1和T2时卒中后抑郁的发生率分别为42.5%和56.6%。通过多元线性回归分析发现,共有4个变量可解释T2时卒中后抑郁62%的差异,其相关因素包括:在T1时抑郁症状的水平、消极的应对方式、对支持的利用度低、以及在T2时的Barthel指数。结论卒中早期即发生抑郁、采取消极的应对方式、对支持的利用度低以及卒中后6个月时日常生活活动能力低的脑卒中患者,在发病后6个月时更易患卒中后抑郁。
Objective To investigate the psychosocial factors in the stroke patients with Post-stroke Depression. Methods A longitudinal study was conducted to collect data at two time points:T1,2 weeks after stroke; T2,6 months after stroke. At T1,120 stroke patients were assessed with General investigate Scale,Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD),Trait Coping Style Questionnaire (TCSQ),Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS),Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI),Barthel Index (BI).At T2,All patients were as-sessed with Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD),Barthel Index(BI). Results Incidences of PSD was 42.5%at T1,while it 56.6%at T2. Regression analysis revealed complex relationships between the psychosocial factors with the level of depressive symptoms at T2. Four variables were found to explain 62%of the variance in depressive symptoms at T2. The variables with significant standard-ized regression coefficients were:the level of depressive symptoms,passive coping,social support using at T1,and the level of Barthel Index at T2. Conclusion Patients with early depression after stroke,resorting to passive coping,lack of social support us-ing and low level of Barthel Index at 6 month after stroke may be more susceptible to Post-Stroke Depression at 6 month after stroke.
Jiangxi Medical Journal