Due to progresses ofrninimally invasive surgery, standard lymphadenectomy had been performed successfully by laparoseopic gastreetomy, which showed a trend to replace open gastreetomy. Gradually, it attracted widespread concern in acquiring safety of surgery and quality of life after radical surgery. Furthermore, ideal reconstruction kept an eye on the both after gastrectomy. As such, scholars focused on totally laparoscopic reconstruction. In the surgical treatment, distal gastrectomy was known to be the most conventional procedures, while Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy was shown to provide comparable long-term outcomes and quality of life. With respect to clinical application, it was hampered by the complexity of totally laparoscopic Roux-en-Y anastomosis. And it became a great unsolved problem in laparoseopic surgery. Outcomes were summarized on application of total laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy, and experienced skills were acquired by management of Roux-en-Y procedures, which promote the developments of laparoseopic gastrectomy.
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)