动物在繁殖期间会随自身繁殖状态的变化而调整择偶行为,这会导致它们择偶的多样性.本文研究具交配经验的雌性克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)在Y型水迷宫中对不同婚配状态的潜在配偶的择偶行为.雌虾对空白与原配、童子、非童子3种信息源虾的访问总时间P值均小于0.05,结果表明雌性克氏原螯虾与原交配雄体有再次交配的显著倾向,对该现象本文从螯虾繁殖成功率方面进行了探讨;面对3种信息源虾的选择差异性的P值均大于0.05,表明雌虾不区分潜在配偶的婚配状态,本文就螯虾的择偶偏好进行了讨论,此外对螯虾定向配种方面的应用进行了初步探讨.本研究以期为克氏原螯虾的繁殖行为学的理论研究及生产实践积累具参考意义的基础数据.
Animals can make adaptive adjustment of selectivity as a function of their own reproductive value which may cause variation in mate choice over the course of reproduction. Here,we examined the mate choice of mated females in the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii. We used a Y-maze,in which mated females made selection between potential mates with different mating status. When faced with primary partners, virgin or unfamiliar mated males and a blank control,females showed significantly preferences for males in terms of the total duration of visits(P〈0. 05),while they did not differentiate mating status of the potential mates(P〉0. 05). Females may mate as frequently as possibly out of re-productive success. Besides,we discussed mated female indiscriminating between males’ mating status in terms of their mate preferences. The present study not only provides theoretical basis for reproductive biology and ethology,but it is also of great practical significance to crayfish aquaculture.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金(NSFC J1103512)