
水泥生产碳排放分类细节校正的分析和探讨 被引量:2

Redefining CO_2 emission classification and measurement for cement production
摘要 水泥生产碳排放分类是精确测算碳排放因子的前提,基于对水泥生产各环节的生料、熟料、燃煤和窑灰的碳酸盐和有机碳的定量分析,认为对目前主流分类进行细节校正十分必要.抽样分析如下:(1)生料(A)、熟料(B)、燃煤(D)和窑灰(E)均含有无机碳和有机碳,新型干法窑样品的无机碳含量分别为74.00%~82.06%(A),0.01%~0.17%(B)和0.39%~3.12%(D),有机碳含量为0.02%~0.41%(A),0.01%~0.22%(B)和56.78%~88.52%(D),立窑样品的无机碳含量分别为66.93%~76.70%(A),0.01%~0.17%(B)和3.57%~68.52%(E),有机碳含量为2.56%~9.96%(A),0.01%~0.28%(B)和0.04%~7.11%(E);(2)校正后新型干法窑的无机碳排放因子为522kg CO2/tcl,有机碳排放因子为265kg CO2/tcl,碳排放因子为787kg CO2/tcl,立窑的无机碳排放因子为505kg CO2/tcl,有机碳排放因子为334kg CO2/tcl,碳排放因子为839kg CO2/tcl.按照该种分类,两种工艺类型的碳排放因子分别较校正前的结果低约50和90kg CO2/tcl. Our premise was to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) emission factors accurately to classify CO2 emissions from cement production. We quantitatively analyzed carbonate and organic carbon in the raw material, clinker, coal, and cement kiln dust for two types of cement kilns. All samples of raw material (A), clinker (B), coal ash (D) and cement kiln dust (E) contained carbonate (inorganic carbon) and organic carbon. The range of inorganic carbon contents (%) for NSP kiln samples were 74.00-82.06 (A), 0.01-0.17 (B) and 0.39-3.12 (D), while their organic carbon contents (%) were 0.02-0.41 (A), 0.01-0.22 (B) and 56.78-88.52 (D). In contrast, the inorganic carbon contents (%) for shaft kiln samples for these same materials were 66.93-76.70 (A), 0.01-0.17 (B) and 3.57-68.52 (E), while their organic carbon contents were 2.56-9.96 (A), 0.01-0.28 (B) and 0.04-7.11 (E). Using this scheme, we calculate that the inorganic carbon emission factors for the NSP kiln are 522 kgCO2/tcl, while organic carbon emission factors are 265 kgCO2/tcl, CO2 emission factors are 787 kgCO2/tcl For the shaft kiln, inorganic carbon emission factors and organic carbon emission factors are 505 and 334 kgCO2/tcl respectively, while CO2 emission factors are 839 kgCO2/tcl Using our new calculation method, the emission factors for the NSP and shaft kilns are respectively 50 and 90 kgCO2/tcl lower than results based on a mainstream classification.
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期206-212,共7页 Chinese Science Bulletin
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05010400)资助
关键词 碳排放 碳酸盐 有机碳 无机碳排放 有机碳排放 CO2 emissions, carbonate, organic carbon, inorganic carbon emissions, organic carbon emissions
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