目的总结经椎弓根植骨治疗严重腰椎爆裂性骨折椎体高度恢复以及功能恢复情况,研究经椎弓根植骨治疗严重腰椎爆裂性骨折愈合及功能恢复的临床效果。方法 33例腰椎压缩>2/3骨折钉棒固定撑开复位恢复腰椎椎体高度并经椎弓根植骨;15例行钉棒固定撑开复位横突间植骨作为对照组。术后摄X线片观察椎体恢丢失高度测量,对手术前后的神经功能进行评估;用SPSS 19.0统计分析软件包进行组间t检验及秩和检验,P<0.05为有统计学意义。结果经椎弓根植骨组33例随访18-24个月,术后椎体高度丢0-5%,平均2.3%;组间比较P=0.425>0.05,说明经椎弓根植骨组间数据为近似正态分布。对照组15例行钉棒固定撑开复位骨折、横突间植骨术后椎体高度丢10-25%,平均16.7%;组间P=0.953>0.05,说明对照组间数据为近似正态分布。33例予以钉棒固定撑开复位骨折腰椎并经椎弓根植骨椎体高度丢失与15例行钉棒固定撑开复位骨折并经椎板横突间植骨组行秩和检验(P=0.000<0.001)有统计学意义,未出现内固定断裂。结论采用经椎弓根植骨治疗严重腰椎爆裂性骨折防骨折椎体高度丢失有良好的疗效。
Objective To summarize the treatment of severe lumbar vertebral arch grounding bone height of vertebral burst fracture restore and function recovery,investigation of vertebral arch bone grounding treating severe lumbar spine burst fracture healing and functional recovery of clinical effect.Methods 33 cases of lumbar vertebral compression 2/3 fracture,to open the nail stick fixed restoration fracture restore lumbar vertebral body height and the vertebral arch bone grounding;Choose 15 routine screw rod fracture immobilization open reduction,bone graft between transverse process as the control group.Postoperative taken X-ray observation of vertebral body height measurement,restore lost to evaluate nerve function before and after operation;Using SPSS statistical analysis software package for 19.0t test and rank and inspection,P〈0.05 for statistical significance.Results The vertebral arch bone grounding group of 33 cases of 18 to 24 months follow-up,the height of the vertebral body 0-5%,on average,2.3%;Data between group t test P =0.425〉 0.05,suggesting the vertebral arch bone grounding between data for the approximate normal distribution.Control group of 15 regular screw rod fracture immobilization open reduction,the height of the vertebral body bone graft between transverse process lost 10-25%,on average,16.7%;Data between group t test P=0.9530.05,the approximate normal distribution between the control data.33 cases with screw rod fracture immobilization open reduction of lumbar vertebral body height and the vertebral arch root bone loss and 15 routine screw rod fracture immobilization open reduction and bone graft between vertebral plate group row rank and inspection(P=0.0000.001) was statistically significant,does not appear internal fixation of fracture.Conclusion The vertebral arch root bone to treat severe lumbar spine burst fracture vertebral height loss prevention has a good curative effect.
Jiangxi Medical Journal
Lumbar fractures
Vertebral arch bone grounding
Nail rod system