In recent years, tourism interpretation has gradually become an indispensable part of scenic spots; however, its researches lag far behind the widespread appliance. This paper searched for the international and domestic studies related and concluded the main researches frame. This paper separately reviewed the re- searches history of inside and outside China. International studies originated from interpretation practice dur- ing 1950s when stuff in National Parks attempted to interpret natural resources to tourists. In this thesis were six main subjects including conceptual identity, interpretation media, case design, interpretation sYstem eval- uation, interpretation in emerging tourism styles and interdisciplinary theories. Researchers failed to find out the best media for all in 1970s, so modem studies inclined to take advantage of every kind of media and con- struct a complete interpretation system containing attended service and unattended service. Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the case design and interpretation system evaluation, especially in China. Howev- er, the both main subjects had its weakness in domestic studies. Case design focus too much on a specific sce- nic spot, lacking of design theories basis and general adaptability. Interpretation system evaluation could di- vide into three parts, evaluation methods, tourist preference and demand, and Comprehensive evaluation, among which, the second one was the hot spot. Interpretation in emerging tourism styles and interdisciplin- ary theories has been concerned a great deal by international researchers, especially the former one which may require some interpretation different from the traditional tourism. At last, this paper also gave a compari- son between international and domestic researches based on subjects, theories, data sources, and analysis methods, leading to the conclusion that the international researches has entered into a relatively mature stage and there are many aspects to improve in the domestic researches.
Human Geography
tourism interpretation
planning of interpretation system
evaluation of interpretation system
re-search processing