采用0.35μm Bi CMOS工艺,设计了一款基于开关电容阵列结构的宽带LC压控振荡器。同时分析了电路中关键参数对相位噪声的影响。基于对VCO中LC谐振回路品质因数的分析,优化了谐振回路,提高了谐振回路的品质因数以降低VCO的相位噪声。采用噪声滤波技术,减小了电流源晶体管噪声对压控振荡器相位噪声的影响。测试结果表明,优化后的压控振荡器能够覆盖1.96~2.70 GHz的带宽,频偏为100 k Hz和1 MHz的相位噪声分别为-105和-128 d Bc/Hz,满足了集成锁相环对压控振荡器的指标要求。
Based on the switched-capacitor-array structure, an integrated wideband LC voltage controlled oscillator( VCO) was designed in 0. 35 μm Bi CMOS process. Simultaneously,the influence of the key parameters on the phase noise in the circuit was analyzed. Based on the analysis of the LC resonance circuit quality factor in the VCO,the LC resonance circuit was optimized,and its quality factor was improved to reduce the phase noise of the VCO. The influence of the current source transistor noise on the phase noise of the VCO was reduced with the noise filtering technology. The test results show that the bandwidth of the optimized VCO is achieved from 1. 96 GHz to 2. 70 GHz,the phase noise is- 105 d Bc / Hz at 100 k Hz offset and- 128 d Bc / Hz at 1 MHz offset,respectively. The LC VCO can be used in the integrated PLL smoothly.
Semiconductor Technology