目的探讨情绪状态对创造性思维水平的影响,为军事训练中智力保障提供参考依据。方法对247名军人,选用《威廉斯创造力思考活动》测验取得创造性思维平均值,将创造性思维水平总分大于或等于总均值加上1个标准差(≥M+SD)者划分为高创造性思维水平(A组),创造性思维水平总分小于或等于总均值减去1个标准差(≤M-SD)者划分为低创造性思维水平(B组);完成Hick任务和Navon任务组间比较,应用SCL-90症状自评量表情绪状态评定,组间、常模相比较。结果 A组占调查人群的22.7%,创造力思考活动平均成绩110.12±5.96,B组占调查人群的9.3%,创造力思考活动平均成绩66.84±7.79,创造性思维水平总分上差异显著(t=16.54,P<0.001)。Navon任务中,自变量和因变量不同,混合设计的刺激类型主效应显著(F=7.81,P<0.05)。一致条件反应时显著短于不一致条件;刺激类型与创造性思维水平之间的交互作用非常显著(F=18.02,P<0.001)。刺激一致条件下,A组的反应显著快于B组;在刺激不一致条件下,A组的反应显著慢于B组;刺激类型、反应目标与创造性思维水平三者之间的交互作用显著(F=4.69,P<0.05)。A组在刺激一致条件下,当反应目标为整体大字母时、局部小字母时反应速度显著快于B组;在刺激不一致条件下两组差异不显著,当反应目标为整体大字母时,A组反应速度显著慢于B组。SCL-90各因子分A、B组间比较强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对、偏执差异明显;与军人常模比较A组无显著性差异(P>0.05),B组人际关系敏感、强迫症状、焦虑、敌对及抑郁升高明显(P<0.05)。结论智力具有受情境影响的多维的复杂结构,建立良好的情绪,有益于创造性思维水平提高。
Objective To explore the effect of emotion on the creativity cognitive level,provide the reference framework for military training at the intellectual protection. Methods This study recruited 247 army- men to complete Williams Creativity Scale,obtained the average value scores;according to Creativity Cognitive total levels who is greater than or equal to total average's value added to a standard poor (≥M+SD) was divided as high scores group (group A),or minus a standard poor (≤M-SD) divided as low scores group (group B);for completed Hick task and Navon task comparison between group A and group B adopted SCL-90 scale of emotional symptom;between A group and B group completed factor comparison was taken with the norm. Results In the total survey population group A was 22.7%,group B was 9.3%. In creativity cognitive activity there was significant difference(t=16.54,P〈0.001). The independent variables and dependent variables were different,of mixed design stimulus type effect on Navon task (F=7.81,P〈0.05). Reaction time significantly was shorter significantly than the inconsistent conditions consistent conditions,stimulus type and level of interaction between both group's creativity cognitive levels (F=lS.02,P〈0.001). Group A response of stimulus under uniform conditions was significantly faster than group B; in stimulating the inconsistent conditions,group A was significantly slower to react than the group B ,stimulation types and response objectives and creative interaction between three remarkable levels (F=4.69,P〈0.05). Stimulus under uniform conditions,when the response targets for the whole letter,local small letters speed significantly faster group A than group B. Boost inconsistent under the condition of no significant differences between the two groups,the response destination for the whole letter when significantly slower reaction of group A compared with group B. SCL-90 factors of the group A,forced,interpersonal sensitivity, depression,hostility,bigotry
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
Creativity cognition