
沥青路面温室气体排放评价方法 被引量:21

Evaluation method for greenhouse gas emissions of asphalt pavement
摘要 沥青路面温室气体排放显著,目前中国尚无全面的沥青路面建设过程温室气体排放评价体系。应用生命周期评价法,根据新建沥青路面工程建设过程划分了沥青路面温室气体排放评价体系边界,提出了各建设阶段温室气体排放评价指标,研究了温室气体排放指标的测算方法,以此为基础建立了中国沥青路面建设过程温室气体排放指标的综合评价体系;同时,针对中国典型路面结构进行了温室气体排放评价分析。研究结果表明:沥青面层拌和阶段温室气体排放量居首位,占总量的50%以上,其次是原材料生产阶段;节能减排措施应以机械设备能耗控制为主,选用节能高效的机械设备,优化施工组织设计;半刚性基层/底基层原材料生产阶段排放最大,约占总排放量的98%,其中水泥排放占92%,节能减排措施应以原材料控制为主,选用高效节能方法生产水泥产品。 Greenhouse gas emissions of asphalt pavement is huge..At present there is no overall evalua- tion criteria of greenhouse gas emissions in asphalt pavement construction. The paper delimited the eval- uation system boundaries for greenhouse gas emissions of asphalt pavement according to its construction process by using life cycle assessment(LCA) method, advanced the indexes of greenhouse gas emissions in each construction stage. Based on these approaches, the paper set up the evaluation system for green- house gas emissions of asphalt pavement and gave a case for the greenhouse gas emissions of typical pave- ment structure in China. The results show that the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions for asphalt sur- face is the most in asphalt mixture mix stage, over 50% of total amount, the second is in production stage of raw materials. The measures of energy conservation and emission reduction for asphalt pave- ment should focus on controlling energy consumption like using efficient mechanicals and optimi- zing construction organization. The greenhouse gas emissions for semi-rigid base or subbase in the production of raw materials occupies the most, about 98%, in which 92% is in cement pro- duction. Controlling raw materials such as choosing cement producing by new dry process kiln is a good way for energy conservation and emission reduction. 4 tabs. 15 figs, 17 refs.
出处 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期19-26,共8页 Journal of Chang’an University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 交通运输部科技项目(2011 318 812 1270)
关键词 道路工程 沥青路面 温室气体 评价指标 评价体系 节能减排 生命周期评价 road engineering asphalt pavement greenhouse gas evaluation system emission indexes energy saving and emission reduction life cycle assessment
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