基于纳帕海、属都湖、碧塔海和剑湖4个高原湖泊矢量数据,利用ArcMap 10、 Fragstats 3.3、 Excel等软件,系统分析了1955~2012年4个高原湖泊水域面积和形状的时空演变规律及其驱动因子。结果表明,(1)湖泊时空演变规律各异。纳帕海水域面积和形状复杂程度都处于无规律的波动变化过程中。属都湖水域面积和形状复杂程度1955~1994年都处于增加状态,1994~2011年保持不变。碧塔海水域面积和形状复杂程度没有发生变化。剑湖水域面积1957~2012年呈减少趋势,形状复杂程度呈增加趋势。(2)时空变化程度各不相同。4个高原湖泊时空变化程度从大到小的排序为纳帕海﹥剑湖﹥属都湖﹥碧塔海。(3)演变驱动因子不尽一致。纳帕海的驱动因子主要为疏浚落水洞、建闸控水、泥沙淤积、改造河道、气候变化、湖水污染和旅游干扰。剑湖的驱动因子主要为疏浚河道、泥沙淤积、湖滩开发、建闸控水、气候变化和湖水污染。属都湖的驱动因子主要为筑坝蓄水。人为干扰和气候变化没有导致碧塔海湖泊的变化。(4)受人为干扰程度有差异。4个高原湖泊受人为干扰程度由重到轻的排序为纳帕海﹥剑湖﹥属都湖﹥碧塔海。
Based on vector dada of Yunnan’s Napahai, Shuduhu, Bitahai and Jianhu lakes from 1955 to 2012, by using ArcMap 10, Fragstats 3.3 and Excel etc., spatial-temporal dynamics and driving factors of the four plat-eau lakes’area and shape from 1955 to 2012 were summarized.The results showed that: (1) The spatial-tempo-ral dynamic patterns were different.Both water surface area and shape-complexity of Napahai lake’ s waterscape were in a chaotic fluctuation.The water surface area and shape-complexity of Shuduhu lake were increasing during the time period of 1955~1994, and unchanged during the time period of 1994~2011.The Bitahai lake’s water surface area and shape-complexity were almost unchanged.The water area of Jianhu lake was decreasing during the time period of 1957~2012.But meanwhile, its waterscape’ s shape-complexity were increasing.(2) The degree of spatial-temporal dynamics was different.In term of different spatial-temporal dynamics degree, the four lakes could be sorted from big to small as the following:Napahai, Jianhu, Shuduhu and Bitahai.(3) The driving fac-tors were different.The driving factors of Napahai lake were dredging of ponors, sluice control of water, sediment deposition, river renovation, climate change, water pollution and tourism disturbance. The driving factors of Jianhu lake were dredging the waterway, sediment deposition, lakeshore exploitation, sluice control of water, cli-mate change and water pollution.The main driving factor of Shuduhu lake was dam construction to store water. Human disturbances and climate change had no impact on Bitahai lake.(4) The degree of human disturbance was different.In term of human disturbance degree, the four lakes could be sorted from big to small as the following:Napahai, Jianhu, Shuduhu and Bitahai.
Journal of West China Forestry Science
plateau lake
temporal-spatial evolution
driving factors
vector data