
训诂和汉语体系的关系 被引量:2

The Relationship Between Exegesis and the Chinese Language System
摘要 本文反思了《马氏文通》以来有关汉语研究的一部分有影响的理论,从训诂的角度分析汉语原生词的引申繁衍过程,揭示出汉语的词在用、义、音、形四个方面的八种情况,即"四类八则"。这"四类八则"可根据本用和活用划分为两个相对独立又相互作用的系统。其中本用、本义、本读、本字构成汉语静态系统,活用、引申、改读、假借构成汉语动态系统。前者为本,是汉语历时研究的基础;后者为用,能影响汉语共时研究。前者以原生词为核心,"词有定类";后者以孳乳词为核心,"离句无品"。汉语由此呈现为一个双系统构造。据此进一步提出两个主张:第一,通过解析现代汉语公案句、汉语叠词组合的结构属性等,指出汉语中词法重于句法。在汉语里,词法乃句法之本,词法不明则句法不明。第二,欲明汉语词法,有赖训诂和训诂学。训诂学立足于汉语静态系统,训诂则立足于汉语动态系统。尽管两千多年来,训诂和训诂学的研究对汉语做了相当全面而精细独到的描写,但汉语的发展变化不会终止,所以训诂和训诂学的工作永无止境。 This article reflects on some of the influential theories about the study of the Chinese language, which appeared after Ma' s Grammar ( Mashi Wentong, 《马氏文通》) was published. This article also analyses the process of the extension and derivation of the meanings of native Chinese words from the exegetical perspective, and reveals eight aspects of Chinese words in usage, meaning, pronunciation and written form, which are summarized as the Eight Rules in Four Categories. The Eight Rules can be divided into two relatively independent and mutually interactive systems according to their original usage and flexible usage. In the Eight Rules, the original usage, meaning, pronunciation and characters make up the static system of the Chinese language, while the flexible usage, extended meaning, transferred pronunciation and borrowing method make up its dynamic system. By analyzing the controversial sentences in contemporary Chinese language and the structure of the combination of reduplication words, the first proposition indicates that morphology in Chinese overweighs syntax. In Chinese, morphology is the root of syntax. Syntax remains unclear if morphology is not clear. Our second proposition is that it depends on exegesis and exegetics to discern morphology of the Chinese language. Exegetics is based on its static system, while exegesis is based on its dynamic system. For over two thousand years, exegesis and exegetics have delineated the Chinese language in a comprehensive, meticulous and unique way. However, the Chinese language will never stop its process of development and change, thus the study of exegesis and exegetics will never come to an end.
作者 张猛
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期125-135,共11页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 训诂和训诂学 四类八则 双系统构造 汉语静态系统 汉语动态系统 exegesis and exegetics, the Eight Rules in Four Categories, double-system structure, static system of the Chinese language, dynamic system of the Chinese language
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