勒瓦娄哇技术(Levallois technology)是人类演化史上具有里程碑意义的一项重要发明,其最为经典的作品是从预制石核上剥取的龟背状的勒瓦娄哇石片(Levallois flake)和三角形的勒瓦娄哇尖状器(Levallois point)。在旧大陆西方,勒瓦娄哇技术与旧石器时代中期(Middle Paleolithic)
The Levallois Technology is a milestone in the prehistoric period and its development could be divided into four phases: first, the incipient phase, which occurred during 500-250 ka BP, characterized by preferential method and large Levallois flake; second, the developing phase, which is from 250 to 130 ka BP, when the recurrent method was used and the Levollois point generally more than 10cm in length was the typical artifact; third, the flourishing phase (ca. 130-50 ka BP), when the Mousterian Industry, including Levallois flakes, Levallois points, Levallois blade, as well as side scraper, notch, denticulate, etc., was developed. Their sizes were reduced, and the toolkit appeared diversified. The last phase from 50-30 ka BP, which is identified as the declining phase of Levallois Technology, exhibits the coexistence of Levollois and other technologies, e.g. blade and simple core-flake industries in some sites, and the Levallois Technology did not play the major role. The changes of Levallois Technology and its products may indicate the changes of the functions of the stone tools and the human behaviors.