

Control of vortex shedding from a rotationally oscillating plate by a narrow strip
摘要 两个小窄条对称地放于两侧,对宽厚比B/H=3的旋转振荡平板的尾流旋涡脱落进行抑制.板在平行于来流位置附近绕对称轴作旋转振荡,振幅为10°.窄条长边与板的旋转轴平行,窄条表面与来流方向垂直,窄条宽度与板的厚度之比b/H=1/3.控制参数为窄条位置.尾流流动显示图片和尾流脉动速度谱结果表明,当窄条位于有效区域内时,板两侧的涡脱落得到有效抑制.有效区尺度随着无量纲频率的增大而增大,随着雷诺数的增大而减小. Two narrow strips were placed symmetrically on both sides of a rotationally oscillating plate to suppress vortex shedding. The width-to-thickness ratio (B/H) of the plate was 3. The neutral position of rotational oscillation was parallel to the on-coming stream and rotation axis was the symmetry axis of the plate. The oscillating amplitude was 10°. The long sides of the strip were parallel to the rotational axis of the plate, and the main surface was perpendicular to the on-coming stream. The strip width to plate thickness ratio (b/ H) was 1/3, and the control parameter was the position of the strip. The results of flow visualization and velocity fluctuation measurement show that the vortex shedding from both sides of the plate can be suppressed if the strips are placed in certain ranges that are called the effective zone. The size of the effective zone increases with the non-dimensional oscillation frequency and decreases with the Reynolds number.
出处 《中国计量学院学报》 2014年第4期391-397,共7页 Journal of China Jiliang University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.10872188)
关键词 旋转振荡平板 旋涡脱落 流动控制 控制件 a rotationally oscillating plate vortex shedding flow control strip element
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