In neutral insulation low voltage power supply lines of coal mine,due to distributed capacitance exists, the leakage currents or personal electric shock currents exceed the limited safety value, and the changes of distributed capacitance easily cause the original system overcompensation or under compensation. The automatic compensation scheme of combining inductance the coarse adjustment with the fine adjustment is proposed on base of the minimum leakage currents closed loop control theory. Using single chip microcomputer control relay automatic switching magnetic amplifier is to achieve multi tap AC winding inductance step adjustment. The currents of magnetic amplifier DC winding are changed by single chip microcomputer control step motor to adjust potentiometer. The system attains stepless regulation of the inductance, so that the currents of distributed capacitance are completely compensated by the inductor currents of the magnetic amplifier. It has many advantages of fast compensation speed, high precision, short cycle, safety and easy operation during compensation process.
Shanxi Coking Coal Science & Technology
Leakage protection
Capacitive current
Automatic compensation