利用中国东部315个台站近50 a(1963 2012年)月平均地面相对湿度和降水量资料,对中国东部地区冬夏季相对湿度的变化特征进行了分析和比较,并讨论了相对湿度与降水的空间耦合关系。结果表明:1)冬季相对湿度的低值区集中在黄淮北部、华北和东北南部,高值区出现在35°N以南地区和东北北部,呈现出中部小、南北大的空间分布特征;夏季相对湿度较冬季明显增大,低值区主要集中在内蒙古中东部,表现出从东部沿海向内陆地区递减的特征。2)冬夏季相对湿度的高(低)值区,其相对变率偏小(大),即湿润(干旱)区的相对湿度较为(不)稳定。3)近50 a来,东部大部分地区冬夏季相对湿度普遍表现为下降趋势,其中冬季东北北部及夏季东南部沿海、内蒙古中东部及东北西部相对湿度的下降趋势最为显著。4)东部地区冬夏季相对湿度与同期降水存在很好的同位相对应关系:相对湿度高(低)湿区对应多(少)雨区。其中冬季显著耦合区位于40°N以南地区;夏季相对湿度与降水的关系较冬季复杂,显著耦合区首先位于35°N以北地区,其次位于35°N以南地区,但江淮和华南存在反向的空间变化。
Based on the monthly mean surface dataset of surface relative humidity (RH) and precip- itation from 315 stations during the period of 1963-2012, climatic changes of RH in summer and winter over Eastern China are discussed and its association with precipitation is also analyzed. The results are as follows. 1 ) The areas with lower RH value are mainly located in the north of the Yellow River and Huai River basin, the North and the southern part of the Northeast while the higher value appears to be located to the south of 35°N and the northern part of the Northeast. In general, it presents a feature of higher val- ue in central than in the north and south sides over East China in winter. By contrast, the values of RH in summer are significantly higher than which in winter and the areas with low values are mainly located at the mid eastern Inner Mongolia with the character decreasing from Southeast coast to inland. 2) The variation of RH is also discussed. The lower value of inter-annual variability generally occurs in the area with high value of mean RH whenever in winter or summer, which means that the areas with high (low) RH value inclines to be relatively stable(unstable) in inter-annual variation. 3) In recent 50 years, RH in most part of East China shows negative trends, among which the trends in the north and west part of the Northeast during the wintertime and the trends along the southeast coast, the mid eastern Inner Mon- golia and the Northeast during the summertime are the most significant. 4)The spatial corresponding rela- tionship between the annual change of RH and precipitation over the same period is consensus. In detail, the amount of precipitation in the area with high (low) RH value is large (small). The significant correla- tion zone is located to the south of 40°N during the wintertime. In compare, the spatial relationship be- tween RH and precipitation is more complex in summer. The significant correlation zone is firstly located to the north of 35°N in East Chi
Meteorological and Environmental Sciences
East China
relative humidity
coupling relationship