
为了测量还是为了学习:高校公正评价学生学业内涵探析 被引量:7

For Measurement or for Learning: Research on the Meaning of Learning Evaluation in Higher Education
摘要 教育部核准并向社会发布的多所大学章程对学生学业评价的要求均是公正评价学生学业。多方面证据表明,目前我国高校行政管理人员、教师、学生主要将公正评价学生学业理解为考试并准确评分。从测量技术角度看,准确评价学生学业难以做到。承认测量技术的局限性是一种基本的科学态度,过于依赖和关注考试不仅得不到想象中的准确分数,还对师生有负面影响。学业评价的首要目标是为了学习而不是测量。公正评价学生学业应该被理解为实施为了学习的评价,使学生获得最适当的教育。高校章程制定及高校以章程为依据办学,都需要促进对公正评价学生学业的正确理解与实践。 The approved constitutions made by six universities in 2013 require that learning evaluation should be just. There are several evidences which show that learning evaluation is understood as examination and accurate score by the administrative personnel, teachers and students in universities recently. From the perspective of measurement technology, it's hard to evaluate students' learning accurately. Relying too much on and paying too much attention to examination will bring negative influences to teaching and learning. The primary goal of learning evaluation is not measurement, but promoting learning. Impartial learning evaluation should be understood as the implementation of assessment for learning, and it's purpose is to enable students to obtain the most appropriate education. When we make and implement a constitution, we should promote accurate understanding and practice of just learning evaluation.
作者 刘声涛
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期59-63,共5页 University Education Science
基金 湖南省教育科学"十二五"规划2012年度项目"高校有效学生学业评价研究"(XJK012CGD002) 湖南省社科基金项目"高校发展性学习评估的国际经验与借鉴"(13YBA077) 全国教科规划教育部重点项目"高校学业评估的国际比较研究"(DIA130302) 湖南大学青年教师成长计划经费资助
关键词 高校 学业评价:公正 higher education, learning evaluation, justice
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