FoxM1是一种原癌基因。它也是癌发生、发展密切相关的重要的转录因子。Fox M1是Forkhead Box转录因子家族重要成员,定位于染色体12p13.3,特异性表达于增殖期细胞中,在细胞终末分化时消失,是一个典型的与细胞增殖相关的转录因子,在细胞G/S及G/M期转换过程中发挥重要作用。它具有Fox M1A、B和C三种剪接异构体。Fox M1B和C在癌组织中高表达,发挥转录激活、促癌发生和发展的作用,而Fox M1A在癌组织中低表达,发挥转录抑制功能。癌组织中Fox M1B/C的优先选择对于Fox M1发挥促癌作用非常关键。因此对这一现象的成因即Fox M1癌相关选择性剪接机制的研究非常重要。
FoxM1 is a proto-oncogene. It is also closely related to the development of cancer, the important transcription factor.Fox M1 is an important member of the Forkhead Box transcription factor family. It is located on chromosome 12p13.3 and is specifically expressed in proliferating cells, disappeared in the cell terminal differentiation. It is also a typical and proliferation related transcription factors.Fox M1 plays an important role in cell G/S and G/M conversion process. It has Fox M1 A, B and C three splicing isoforms.Fox M1 B and C have high expression in cancer tissue, and play important roles in transcriptional activation, as well as the promotion of cancer occurrence and development, and the low expression of Fox M1 A in cancer tissues has a role in transcriptional repression. First choice of Fox M1B/C carcinoma for Fox M1 is the key to promote cancer. It is very important to study the cause of this phenomenon and Fox M1 associated with cancer mechanism of splicing.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine