目的:探讨应用晶状体超声粉碎联合玻璃体切除术治疗外伤性晶状体脱位的疗效。 方法:回顾性分析晶状体超声粉碎联合玻璃体切除手术治疗外伤性晶状体脱位16例16眼;其中术前高眼压6例,玻璃体积血10例,视网膜脱离1例。常规扁平部行标准三通道玻璃体手术切口,切除前部、中轴部及脱位晶状体周围玻璃体,使晶状体游离,超声针头吸引晶状体至中央部玻璃体腔内进行超声粉碎。术中检查视网膜并做相应处理。其中8例视网膜情况良好,I期行后房人工晶状体缝线固定。 结果:全部病例均完全将脱位的晶状体粉碎吸除,随访3 mo无视网膜脱离发生。16例术后眼压正常,术后1 wk眼压12~20mmHg,视力较术前改善,术后1wk 视力0.2以上者8例。 结论:对于外伤性晶状体脱位,晶状体超声粉碎联合玻璃体切除术是安全有效的手术方法,对视网膜无损伤者可行I期人工晶状体缝线固定,使患眼获取最好的视力。
AlM: To explore the clinical application effect of phacofragmentation combined with vitrectomy in the treatment of traumatic lens dislocation. METHODS:Totally 16 cases (16 eyes) of traumatic lens dislocation treated with phacofragmentation combined with vitrectomy were retrospectively analyzed, including 6 cases of high intraocular pressure ( lOP) and 10 cases of vitreous hemorrhage, and 1 case of retinal detachment. All patients were given conventional flat line standard three channel vitreous operation incision to remove the anterior, middle part and peripheral vitreous around lens dislocation. The crystalline lens were drawn to the center cavity of vitreous body and treated by ultrasonic disintegrator. ln the operation, the retina was examined and 8 of them had no retinal damage and in the first stage underwent fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lenses. RESULTS: All crystalline lens dislocated were completely grinded and suctioned. There was no retinal detachment occurred in 3mo followed up. 16 eyes had normal lOP (12-20mmHg) at 1wk after operation. The average visual acuity was improved and with 8 cases got improved of 0. 2 or more 1wk after operation. CONCLUSlON: Our research shows that phacofragmentation combined with vitrectomy is a safe and effective method for the treatment of traumatic lens dislocation. The patients with nondestructive retina in the operation are feasible to do first stage operation of intraocular lens suture fixation, which contributes to the best visual acuity.
International Eye Science