目的:观察B超检查对子宫内膜息肉诊断的正确率和假阴性率,探讨其诊断价值。方法:选择80例子宫内膜息肉患者纳入本研究,检查前均排空膀胱,行腹部及阴道B超检查,设置探头频率为3.5 MHz,对子宫行连续纵向、横向扫查,观察子宫内强回声超声表现、子宫内膜和肌层是否累及子宫旁组织。结合病理检查结果分析其敏感度、特异度等,并对患者进行满意度调查。结果:患者月经前、后子宫内膜均呈不同程度的增厚(1.2-2.4 cm不等),B超可探及舌状、乳头状等实质不均匀的回声光团,单个、多发均有;经分析,73例诊断为子宫内膜息肉,诊断正确率为91.2%,假阴性率为8.8%;76例(占95.0%)患者对于检查的简便性、费用及诊断准确性等较为满意。结论:B超检查对子宫内膜息肉诊断正确率较高,且无创、安全,患者易于接受,具有重要的临床诊断价值。
Objective: To observe the accuracy rate, false negative rate of B ultrasound examination in the diagnosis of endometrial polyps and discuss the diagnosis value. Methods:Selected 80 cases of patients with endometrial polyps treated in the hospital from 2013 January-2013 year in June as the research object and they were confirmed by pathological examination, mean age (43.9±11.2) years old, they were examined by B ultrasound examination before and after menstruation, then analyze sensitivity, specific degrees of B Ultrasound performance combining with pathological examination and the survey of satisfaction for patients. Results:the patients before and after the menstrual endometrium showed different degrees of thickening, ranging from 1.2-2.4 cm, the probe showed ligulate, papillary substance not uniform, single, multiple echo;after analysis 73 cases were diagnosed as endometrial polyp, the correct diagnostic rate was 91.2%and the false negative rate was 8.8%. 76 cases (95%) were satisfactory for the simplicity, low cost, accurate diagnosis. Conclusion:B ultrasound examination in the diagnosis of endometrial polyps has high correct rate and is noninvasive, safe, and is easily accepted by patients, so it has important clinical value.
China Medical Equipment
B ultrasound examination
Endometrial polyps
Accuracy rate
False negative rate