目的调查并分析长株潭城市群口腔医疗机构、人力与设备资源现状,为政府部门的决策和医疗机构卫生资源配置提供理论依据。方法将设计的调查表分发到长株潭三市卫生局登记在册的口腔医疗机构,逐项填报相关数据。用Epi Data 3.02软件建立口腔资源数据库,结合Excel软件进行数据筛选和统计分析。结果统计到2012年12月30日,长株潭地区共有口腔卫生机构338家,67.8%的口腔医疗机构在长沙市,18.3%在株洲市,湘潭市只有13.9%。公立口腔医疗机构占25.7%(87家),民营机构达74.3%(251家)。三市均以口腔诊所比例最高,其次为综合医院口腔科,口腔专科医院比例小。三市口腔专业人员共1 207人,其中,口腔医生74.73%(902人),护士21.54%(260人),技工等其他人员3.73%(45人),三市平均每万人口拥有口腔医师数为0.66。从事口腔医师工作的人员中,本科及以上学历为50%,专科、中专、口腔技工及无学历人员比例达50%。口腔医师中初级技术职称人员占绝大多数,长沙市为55.54%,株洲市61.07%,湘潭市61.54%。长沙市口腔医师16.85%为硕士或博士,37.08%为本科生,33.87%为专科生,仍有12.20%的口腔医师学历在专科以下。株洲和湘潭口腔医师以大专学历为主体,分别为45.64%和40.77%。三市牙科治疗椅1 141台,66%的牙科椅分布在长沙市。口腔颌面外科病床312张,主要分布在长沙市的综合医院口腔科。结论 (1)长株潭城市群口腔医疗服务人员与人口比与世界卫生组织标准相差较大。(2)口腔医疗机构以私立口腔诊所为主。(3)口腔执业医师中,长沙市以本科毕业生为主体,株洲市和湘潭市以专科学历为主。三市口腔医师的专业技术职称偏低,以初级专业技术人员占绝大多数。(4)口腔医疗机构、牙科治疗椅、病床、口腔医务人员主要分布在长沙。上述指标提示,作为湖南省政治、经济与文化中心的长株潭地区口腔医疗服务资�
Objective To investigate and analyze the status of oral medical institutions and staff in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group so as to provide the oretical basis for the government policy making and distributing medical institutions and staff. Methods Questionnaires were itemized filled with relevant data, and database was established by EpiData 3.02 software and statistical analyzed with Excel software. Results By the December 30, 2012, the number of oral medical institutions in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group was 338, and 67.8% in Changsha, 18.3% in Zhuzhou, and only 13.9%in Xiangtan. The public medical institutions accounted for 25.7%(87), private ones reached 74.3%(251). Among three cities, the proportion of institutions was highest in dental clinics, the followed by department of stomatology of general hospitals, and the lowest was stomatological hospital. The total professional staff was 1 207, including 74.73%doctors (902), 21.54%nurses (260), and 3.73%technicians and other personnel (45), there was 0.66 dentists per million population. The educational status of professional staff was 50% in college and more, and high school or non academic staff up to 50%. The middle and primary technical staff accounted for the vast majority, and 55.54% in Changsha, 61.07% in Zhuzhou, 61.54% in Xiangtan. The academic degree of doctors in Changsha was 16.85% for master or doctoral degree, 37.08%undergraduate and 33.87%college, there was still 12.20%below college degree. The academic degree of doctors in Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, college degree as the main body, were respectively 45.64% and 40.77%. The number of dental chair in three cites was 1 141, and 66% of the dental chairs was in Changsha. Distribution of 312 beds of oral and maxillofacial surgery was mostly in department of stomatology in general hospital in Changsha. Conclusions (1) There are large difference in oral medical service personnel and population ratio between Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group and WHO standards. (2) Oral
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
Oral medicine
Health resources