
吡虫啉对东方蜜蜂的毒性研究 被引量:7

Toxicity of Imidacloprid to Apis cerana
摘要 吡虫啉因其对人畜低毒无害、低残毒被广泛应用于粮食作物、经济作物、果树、茶叶、蔬菜等农业生产,蜜蜂在传粉过程中可能会接触该残留药剂。通过喂食含不同浓度的吡虫啉蔗糖溶液来测定东方蜜蜂的采食量和死亡率,进而评估吡虫啉对东方蜜蜂的影响。结果表明:蜜蜂在分别采食含吡虫啉10,2,0.5,0.02 mg/L的糖水后,第2次(21 h)饲喂的采食量分别为0.08,0.08,0.29,5.39μL,死亡率分别为25%,2%,2%,5%;而用正常糖水饲喂的蜜蜂,其采食量和死亡率分别为12.69μL和9%。可见,吡虫啉会影响蜜蜂的采食量和死亡率,并且随着吡虫啉质量浓度的升高,其取食量也明显降低,而死亡率与吡虫啉质量浓度和总体摄入量有关。 Imidacloprid, due to its low toxicity and low residual, has been widely used in agricultural productions, including grain crop, commercial crop, fruit trees, tea leaves, and vegetables. Aiming to evaluate the toxicity of imidacloprid to Apis cerana, the A. cerana were fed with the sucrose solutions of imidacloprid with different concentrations. The result showed that after feeding A. cerana with imidacloprid with the concentrations of 10, 2, 0.5, 0. 02 mg/L, the feed intake of 21 h were 0. 08, 0. 08, 0.29, 5.39 μL, and the mortalities were 25% , 2% , 2% , 5%. But the control group was 12. 69 μL and 9%. As a result, the imidacloprid can affect on the feed intake and mortality of A. cerana. Moreover, this phenomenon will become severe when the concentration of imidacloprid increases. In addition, mortality is controlled by the total consumption and the concentration of imidacloprids.
出处 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期147-150,共4页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31260585)
关键词 吡虫啉 东方蜜蜂 取食量 死亡率 imidacloprid Apis cerana ingestion rate mortality
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