Exploratory Round Table Conference (ERTC) is a joint activity of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Max Planck Society (MPG). ERTC is meant to provide a platform for leading scientists from Germany, China and international keyplayers to exchange ideas and reflect on opportunities of emerging research tive of the project is to act as a seed towards establishing pioneering topical areas in topl the cs at an early stage. The main objecorganizations of CAS and MPG, as part of a priority-setting process at the leading edge of science. Since 2010 ERTC has been held five times annually, covering the fields of Synthetic Biology (2010), Quantum Information Science (2011 ), Space-Based Research (2012 ), Electrochemis- try-revisited (2013 ) and Personalized Medicine ( 2014 ).
The decoding of the human genome sequence and the advent of next-generation sequencing methods and other molecular techniques such as in-depth proteomics and epigenetics has dramatically changed biomedical research. Personalized medicine ushers in a new era of modem medicine. The 5^th ERTC, themed "Personalized Medicine" was held on 14-17 May 2014 in Shanghai. This paper reviews this conference, identifies key areas being of high priority: integrative re-assessment of large data sets, assessment of added value of epigenetic information, and strengthening translational medicine, and puts forward some specific measures to improve the study on personalized medicine in MPG and CAS.
The 5^th ERTC focused on questions of personalized medicine with the aim to identify key areas being of high priority. Five major themes were evaluated and discussed: ( 1 ) reassessment of genetic information for disease prediction; (2) stratification of health risk factors; (3) stable and unstable molecular memory; (4) erasing acquired health risks: treatment options; and (5) personalized cancer therapy. At the end of the conference, action recommendations are given to presidents of the two organization
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
personalized medicine, exploratory round table conference