The understanding of the impact of stock index futures trading on the stock market jump risk has great implication in improving financial regulations and risk management. It also helps to understand the function of futures markets, market microstructure and information efficiency. Based on the 5 -minute high-frequency data, this paper investigates the effects of CSI 300 index futures trading to the jump risk of the spot market. We first use a nonparametric method to detect Levy-type jumps in CSI 300 index, and then decompose them into big and small jumps. And the changes of the jump intensity, jump size as well as jump activity index, before and after the launch of the index futures, are investigated to evaluate the impact of the index futures trading. We further examine the Granger causality relationship between jumps and trading activities in futures markets. The main findings are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Index futures trading doesn't increase the intensity of big jumps, in contrast, it mitigates the size of big jumps and thus reduces the spot market jump risk;(2)Index futures trading increases the intensity of small jumps due to the speculative trading in the futures market, hence increases the jump risk; (3)The spot market jump risk generates a feedback effect to the trading activities in the futures market, but jumps with different sizes generate different impact. The results of this study imply that the impacts of futures trading on the jump risk are double-edged, and the efficiency of Chinese futures market needs to he further improved.
Economic Research Journal