
欧盟27国小水电的发展对我国的战略思考 被引量:14

Strategic thinking on exploitation of small hydropower in China from learning 27 countries of European Union
摘要 详细介绍和分析了欧盟27国发展小水电的现状和战略规划、欧盟可再生能源和分布式能源的结构比例,以及欧洲小水电协会系统推进小水电发展所起的作用.根据国家水利部颁发的《"十二五"全国水电新农村电气化规划》,介绍和分析了我国小水电的发展现状和战略规划;对我国发展小型和微型水电中存在的突出问题进行了详细的分析,例如:小水电的权责不清晰;小水电站数量多和管理难;小水电开发产业的延续性差和未来趋势不清晰;小水电设备的制造企业面临的问题,例如技术水平低、技术储备不足、科研投入少和科研能力差、管理程度浅等;小水电站年利用小时数偏低和径流式电站的问题.提出了5点建议:明晰小水电的权责关系,规范小水电的开发和经营;建立小流域发展综合管理委员会,采取"电站群"的管理方式;把握我国和国际市场的小水电发展趋势,把小水电产业做大做强并保持可持续发展;提出了从"一个科研中心、两个方向"出发,提升小水电设备制造企业技术水平低的思路;提高小水电站年满发小时数即设备的利用率,增加小水电的发电效益. The status and strategic plan of small hydropower development in the 27 Countries of European Union (EU) , the composition of renewable energy resources and distributed power generation within EU, and the contributions of European Small Hydropower Association in promoting small hydropower development are introduced and analyzed in detail. According to the 12th 5-year-plan on national hydropower and new rural electrification issued by the Ministry of Water Resources of China, the small hydropower exploitation status and strategic planning are described and argued. A few outstanding is- sues in development of small and nagement difficulties due to huge micro hydropower, such as confused number of small hydropower plants, rights and responsibilities, masmall hydropower developmententerprises with poor continuity and unclear future trends, are identified. The problems that small hydropower equipment suppliers encountered, namely low technical level, insufficient technological backup, less funding invested and poor capability doing research and development, unsatisfactory management skills and so on, are exposed. Additionally, the full-load hours are shorter per year in small hydropower plants. The problems related to run-off-the-river power plants are analyzed as well. Finally, there are five constructive suggestions proposed, i.e. clearing the rights and responsibilities of small hydropower enterprises to regulate its exploitation and operation, setting up a comprehensive management and development committee for small watersheds to manage many small hydropower plants as groups, tracking international developing trends of small hydropower to make our small hydropower industry bigger and stronger as well as sustainable, establishing "one integrated R&D center, two directions" to promote technology level of small hydro equipment suppliers, extending the full-load hours or equipment utilization efficiency to raise the power generation profits of small hydropower.
出处 《排灌机械工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2014年第7期588-599,605,共13页 Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51239005 51009072)
关键词 小水电 微型水电 低水头 分布式能源 可再生能源 欧盟27国 small hydropower micro hydropower low head decentralized power generation renewable energy EU - 27
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